Managing conflicts of interest and who is accountable at your School and in the NTBGA
Conflict of Interest
100. Where there is an actual or potential conflict of interest at any stage of a project, a BGA should manage or resolve the conflict. A conflict of interest may arise, for example, where a member of a BGA assessment committee has an interest in a member school applying for Commonwealth Government capital assistance. A conflict of interest may also arise when a person associated with the governance of the school (approved authority, school board, staff member or other associated person or entity) has an interest in a body bidding for work funded by the Commonwealth Government.
101. BGAs should advise schools applying for CGP grants of the Commonwealth requirements in relation to conflict of interest (see Operative Provisions).
102. BGAs, if necessary, may seek advice from the Department to help resolve conflicts of interest. In such a case, the BGA should write to the Director of the Capital Funding Team at GPO Box 9880 CANBERRA ACT 2601.
School Accountability Requirements
103. Schools must furnish the following returns in respect of approved projects at the required times. The appropriate pro-formas will be sent to schools during the course of the project.
a) Receipt of Ministerial Approval: After receipt of Ministerial approval, the NT BGA will notify the school of the details of the approved grant, authorise
completion of working drawings, and outline the procedures which must be followed when calling tenders. Schools are requested to acknowledge receipt of Ministerial approval by returning the Letter of Acceptance.
b) Tendering: Schools must formally tender the project (see Tendering Process and Procedures). Within seven days of the official closing of tenders, schools must forward to the NT BGA the results of the tender process (support document 8)
c) Final Approval and Grant Acceptance: After the close of tenders a recommendation will be made to the NT BGA by the school regarding the preferred tender (support document 8).
d) Project Commencement Advice: Within seven days of commencement, schools are required to notify the NT BGA that the approved project has begun (support document 10).
e) Claim Expenditure Statement: Schools are required to provide updated information on building progress, cash flow, and the expected date of completion when making the first claim for NT BGA funds. This should be provided on the appropriate form (support document 11). Further Claims are made by sending Tax Invoice only to NT BGA.
f) School Contribution: Where the project subsequently achieves a saving to the approved project costing, the Australian Government considers that the school can still contribute the same amount with all savings being used to reduce the grant accordingly.
g) Architect's / Project Managers Completion Certificate: Upon practical completion of the project, the architect / Project Manager is required to file a statement of completion and confirmation of the final expenditure on the project. This needs to be counter-signed by the school principal or delegated representative (support document 12). This should be forwarded to the NT BGA within six (6) weeks of project completion. The final instalment of NT BGA funds will be paid on receipt of this document.
h) Accountant's Completion Certificate: Within a period of three (3) months after the practical completion of work, unless an extension of time is sought, an accountant's certificate, duly completed by an independent qualified accountant, must be lodged with the NT BGA, verifying all income and expenditure associated with the project (support document 13) together with a Certificate of Completion and/or Compliance and a photo of any plaque erected.
i) Progress Report: If an approved project has not been completed in the approved year then the Principal shall complete a Progress Report. This can be done during subsequent NT BGA visits or at the end of the year (support document 14)
j) Post Occupancy Evaluation: A post-occupancy evaluation of the completed project will be undertaken. This evaluation will be carried out by either the Executive Officer of the NT BGA or by the Priorities Committee during a subsequent visit. (support document 15).
104. The BLOCK GRANT AUTHORITY must furnish certain returns to the Department of Education as a result of information gained from school projects.
The relevant returns are as follows:
a) Annual Schedule of Recommended Projects: This document is to be forwarded by September 30 each year, and contains details of projects recommended and rejected for funding by the NT BGA in the following year and, under the forward commitment arrangements, in years 2 and 3.
b) Financial Accountability: BGAs must submit an Accountability Report for the previous year (the accountability year) to the Department. The Accountability Report should include the following:
a statement of capital income and expenditure;
the use of interest earned on capital funding;
a statement from the BGA that it has a satisfactory internal accounting systems, controls and procedures in place for records relating to the CGP funds;
an audited statement in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards and generally accepted auditing practices;
a certificate by a Qualified Accountant; and
details of all accounts operated by the BGA.
c) Audit of NT BGA Administration: From time to time the Department will undertake audits of the financial and administrative procedures of a small sample of NT BGAs member schools. The audit may be undertaken by the Department or by an independent auditor engaged by the Department.