The all important Finances, Changing the Constitution
Block Grant Authority Finances
23. All moneys will be deposited with a Bank so recognised by relevant Commonwealth legislation.
a) All accounts will be kept by the Financial Services Section of the Catholic Education Office, Darwin.
b) All NT BGA monies and funds transactions will be recorded separate from the general transactions of the Catholic Education Office, and separate from the transactions of all other Commonwealth specific purpose Programs.
c) Each BGA is required to spend, or commit to spend its total CGP funding allocation within the program calendar year.
Changing the NT BGA Constitution
24. Member schools are to be advised of the proposed changes in writing at least one (1) calendar month prior to the Board meeting at which the change is to be proposed.
a) At the time of circulating the proposed change, member schools will be invited to either formally endorse the proposal, if they wish to do so or to request a formal ballot of all member schools on the proposed change.
b) A minimum of three schools requesting a formal ballot is required for such ballot to be held.
c) If a formal ballot of all member schools is not requested, the Constitution may be changed at the following Board meeting by unanimous vote of all Board members.
d) If a formal ballot is to be held, a two-thirds majority of member schools will be required for the proposed change to be implemented.
Winding up of the NT BGA
25. The NT BGA will be wound up in either of the following ways:-
a) on the expiry of the agreement between the Diocese of Darwin Property Trust and the Australian Government; or
b) by decision of the Diocese of Darwin Property Trust in its own best interests.
All funds held by the NT BGA at the time of winding up will revert to the Australian Government.