Requirements for Ceremonies

The following conditions apply for an official opening ceremony:

The Commonwealth Minister for Education and Training or his representative must be invited to open those projects for which an official opening is being arranged.

The Commonwealth Minister for Education and Training or his representative must be invited to speak at all official openings of capital projects to which the Commonwealth has contributed funding.

In the case of an opening with other sources of funding, e.g. state contribution, the Commonwealth Minister for Education and Training or his representative must be invited to open those projects to which the Commonwealth contribution is greater than 50 per cent of the project cost.

Note: Schools are welcome to elect the attending Commonwealth representative to open facilities where the Commonwealth has contributed less than 50 per cent of the project cost.

Where a facility is opened by a Commonwealth representative, the name of the person opening the facility must be included in the associated commemorative plaque, which must be either affixed to the new or refurbished buildings, or displayed in an appropriate position. If the Commonwealth Minister for Education and Training or his representative attends an opening, they may issue media releases. Schools may receive exemptions from opening requirements depending on the type of facility and works applied. For example, intangible improvements such as the replacement of an electrical system or a simple refurbishment of an amenities block may be considered for exemption by the Commonwealth Minister for Education and Training. A school must obtain the Commonwealth Minister for Education and Training's agreement for an exemption from holding an official opening, or for deferment of an opening. Note: Invitations to attend ceremonies will be directed to the minister responsible for the Capital Grants Program in the first instance.

If you need more information

You are welcome to contact a schools liaison officer through the inbox if you would like to discuss, or need further information regarding any aspects of Capital Grants Program requirements for recognition.

Additional NT BGA Requirements

An invitation for NT BGA Board of Management members to attend to each opening is to be sent by the school to the NT BGA office at least two months in advance of the opening; There is to be provision in the official proceedings for the Australian Government's representative to speak if he or she desires. Where the Australian Government has met more than 50 per cent of the project cost, the Australian Government Minister, or his representative, must be invited to officially open the facilities; Schools must provide to NT BGA notification of any official opening to be held in the next quarter by 10th of the month preceding that quarter; NT BGA will advise relevant schools of the Australian Government contribution to their projects and schools must directly advise their school community about assistance received from the Australian Government by such means as school newsletters and annual reports to parents; NT BGA is required to monitor compliance with these requirements; and Where a project has received a contribution from the NT Government, a representative must be invited to the opening ceremony and the contribution acknowledged on the plaque.

Wording for projects funded under the Australian Government Capital Grants Program

Sample plaque

Sample Plaque.JPG

Highlighted Text - The areas highlighted green should be completed with the appropriate information.

Style - Wording on plaques acknowledging Commonwealth funding must be of similar size and style to wording acknowledging other funding sources.

School and Australian Government logos - If you would like to include the school’s logo on the plaque, please position it directly above the school’s name on the plaque.

Approval - Departmental approval of plaque wording is required. A school is to send the draft wording to the Department via the school openings inbox. The Department will provide clearance or comment.

Plaque costs - The manufacturing and installation costs of Capital Grants Programme plaques are the responsibility of recipient schools.