Eligible Projects

As set in out in the Schools Assistance Act 2008, Administrative Guidelines for Commonwealth Programs for Non-Government Schools 2014 – 2018

30. When submitting schedules of recommended projects to the Department through Schools Entry Point (SEP) BGAs are required to confirm that in making their assessments, they have given due consideration to the refurbishment / upgrading of capital facilities for existing students, while making provision for needs arising from new demographic and enrolment trends irrespective of SES.

31. Grants for capital expenditure may be used for the following:

a)   investigating the need for:

•      schools in particular areas, or

•      schools of particular kinds in particular areas, or

•      buildings or other facilities (or parts of buildings or other facilities) or equipment;

b)   purchasing land, with or without buildings (or parts of buildings);

c)   planning for the erection, alteration, extension, demolition or refurbishment of a building or other facility (or part of a building or other facility);

d)   developing or preparing land for building or other purposes;

e)   erecting, altering, extending, demolishing or refurbishing a building or other facility (or part of a building or other facility);

f)     installing or upgrading water, electricity or any other services;

g)   providing equipment, including information technology (as part of a broader capital project unless special circumstances exist);

h)   providing furniture (as part of a broader capital project unless special circumstances exist);

i)     providing library materials or obtaining services and goods for cataloguing a library (or part of a library) (as part of a broader capital project unless special circumstances exist);

j)     any other expenditure prescribed by the Regulation.

Ineligible Projects

32. Listed here are the types of projects for which funding is not available.

a)   facilities which have religious worship as a principal purpose;

b)   facilities in a co-educational school where those facilities will not, as far as practicable, be equally available to male and female students at the school;

c)   where retrospective approval is sought (generally after a contractual arrangement to commence the project has been entered into);

d)   projects proposed to be undertaken solely by parents and friends;

e)   facilities where the majority of the use will be by full fee paying overseas, or other unfunded students attending a 'for profit' section of the school;

f)     facilities that are principally for pre-primary education, i.e.  for students below the prescribed state/territory school starting age or where the facility is not in a formal school setting (for example, a school's attached Early Leaning Centre would not be eligible for CGP funding).