Name and registered address

6. The Organisation known as The Northern Territory Block Grant Authority (NT BGA) has as its registered address PO Box 219 Berrimah NT 0828


8. The NT BGA exists to administer the Australian Government Capital Grants Program (the Program) in accord with the Schools Assistance Act 2008, Administrative Guidelines for Commonwealth Programs for Non-Government Schools 2009 – 2012 or any Act or Acts of the National Parliament passed to replace or augment the Act. The NT BGA will apply Administrative Arrangements as defined by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) or by any Department subsequently charged with the administration of Program’s for schools, and in accord with Administrative Guidelines as published annually.

9. There will be a Board of Directors (the Board) which is charged with the day to day management of the affairs of the NT BGA.

10. The Board will consist of four (4) Directors.

a) One (1) ‘sector’ Director will be appointed by the Body Corporate managing the affairs of the Catholic primary and secondary systemic schools.

b) One (1) ‘sector’ Director will be appointed by the Northern Territory Christian Schools Association.

c) One (1) ‘sector’ Director will be appointed by the Association of Independent Schools of the Northern Territory.

d) One (1) ‘industry representative’ Director appointed by the Board from among the sectors’ nominees.

Terms of Appointment

11. Appointment to the Board will be for terms of three (3) years.

a) Retiring members of the Board may be appointed for further periods of three (3) years.

b) To ensure continuity and consistency in application of procedures, no more than one (1) member of the Board should be replaced in any one (1) year.

The Board of Directors

12. The Board will:-

a) Direct the Executive Officer in the day to day management of the NT BGA.

b) Ensure that all procedures are applied objectively and in full.

c) Ensure that participating schools are adequately informed of rights and obligations under the Capital Grants Program.

d) Prepare application forms, Program guidelines, and project procedural documents which will ensure proper implementation of the Program and pursuit of Commonwealth goals.

e) Prepare Annual Schedules of Projects for approval by the Minister.

f) Prepare Annual Accountability Statements, Half Yearly and other periodic reports as prescribed by the Commonwealth from time to time.

Frequency of Board Meetings

13. The Board will meet a minimum of twice per year, with one (1) meeting timed to take place within fourteen (14) days before 30 September, to receive final recommendations from the Priorities Committee.

Duties of the Board

14. A quorum for meetings of the Board will be the three (3) nominated directors, being a representative from each sector, two (2) of which must be current Directors and the third nominated by the relevant association.

Executive Officer

15. The Block Grant Authority will be serviced by an Executive Officer employed by and located in the Catholic Education Office.

Meeting Quorum

16. The Executive Officer will:

a) Provide secretariat services to the Board and Priorities Committee.

b) Negotiate agreements between the NT BGA and Schools.

c) Ensure the business conducted by the NT BGA complies with all requirements of pertinent Acts, Administrative Arrangements and Administrative Guidelines.

d) Devise, implement, monitor and amend as required administrative procedures to ensure compliance with all relevant Acts, Administrative Arrangements and Administrative Guidelines, and to ensure the NT BGA achieves efficiency in delivery of service to schools.

e) At the direction of the Board design, adapt and apply procedural documents including Application Forms, Agreements, Notification of Grants Approved, Progress Reports, Claims for Payment and Accountability Statements.

f) Maintain all records of the NT BGA.

g) Complete annual and other periodic accountability statements to the Commonwealth.

h) Advise and direct schools on the identification of capital Program needs and development of Program proposals.

i) Other activity for the good order of the affairs of the NT Block Grant Authority.

Duties of the Executive Officer