Hosting a BGA Priority Committee School visits, Agreement on project scope, Hiring of building consultants and recommendations on finalising your Grant
School Visits
71. Where the NT BGA, after assessing Form B, considers an application to be of sufficient priority to warrant further development, a decision will normally be made to appoint representatives from the NT BGA Priorities Committee to visit the school for on-site discussions.
72. The purpose of such visits is two-fold:
a) for Priorities Committee members to gain further information and clarification about the project, enabling them to report to the full committee and to recommend a course of action regarding the proposal; and
b) for members of the school community to support their application for funding by providing additional evidence of need, if appropriate, and by taking the opportunity to explain and expand upon the planning process leading to the application.
73. Priorities Committee members who visit the school are required to furnish a joint written report to the full committee following the visit, but such reports shall remain confidential to the NT BGA, officers of the Australian Government or members of the Appeals Committee. These reports shall not be available to applicants.
74. When visited by the Priorities Committee it is expected that the school would normally be represented by at least the Principal and other school personnel familiar with the project. The project architect or supervisor may also be included if the school so desires, or if the NT BGA so requests.
75. Where a visit has been undertaken to the school on an earlier occasion, either for the same project or another, and the NT BGA Priorities Committee is satisfied that no useful purpose would be served by a further visit, such a visit may be waived.
Agreement on Project Scope
76. Based on a recommendation from the Priorities Committee, NT BGA may negotiate with applicant schools a MINIMUM VIABLE PROJECT that:
a) is based on sound enrolment projections for the period closely following project completion;
b) meets the major educational needs in a way that is cost effective over the life of the facilities;
c) avoids design features that make no significant educational contribution and that may increase construction maintenance or operating costs;
d) takes appropriate account of the effect of the project on school morale and students' care for their environment; and
e) takes account of the need for the school to fund or obtain bridging finance for the majority of the project cost, as grants could be payable over a three year period.
77. In final determination of the exact facilities to be recommended for funding, discussion may be held with the school's architect in order to arrive at a precise description of the project and costing.
Building Consultants
78. The NT BGA may appoint building consultants on an ad hoc basis to provide advice on any project application.
79. In the appointment of consultants, care must be taken that no possibility of conflict of interest arises. Consequently any professional who provides consultancy services in the assessment or evaluation of a project may not also be employed in any direct way in the detailed planning or supervision of that project.
80. Reports from consultants will be in writing to the NT BGA. Any recommendations from them may be used as part of the assessment criteria for selecting projects for funding.
Finalising Grant Recommendations
81. Projects which are selected as being of sufficiently high priority by the Priorities Committee to attract a grant will, in general, be identified in the context of:
a) educational disadvantage; and
b) a facility standard assessment and
c) a financial needs assessment to determine an appropriate level of grant.
82. The recommendation of the Priorities Committee will be forwarded to the NT BGA Board of Management for assessment and endorsement.
83. Having determined those projects which will be recommended for funding, and the level of support proposed, the NT BGA Board of Management shall inform the applicant schools within fourteen days of the meeting that:
a) their project has been recommended for approval by the Minister, with the level of grant proposed, and the expected school contribution;
b) their project will be included in the schedule of projects for that year.
84. Costs that are incurred by any school in the preparation of final sketch plans and updated estimates will not be met by the NT BGA should the Minister not approve a recommendation to fund a project.