
18. Membership will be representative of all three sectors.

a) The Chairperson of the Priorities Committee will be a person duly appointed by the Board to that position.

b) Membership of the Priorities Committee will not exceed 12 and be appointed by the Board.

c) Members will be appointed from the nominees provided by each of the three sectors.


19. The duties will be as listed below.

a) Assessing applications for funding support from participating schools against eligibility criteria as stipulated by the Australian Government and amended by the Australian Government from time to time.

b) Assessing applications deemed eligible for funding against prioritising criteria as stipulated by the Australian Government and amended by the Australian Government from time to time.

c) Assessing the school community's capacity to make financial commitment to the proposed project, and recommending to the Board that that level of commitment be required of the school.

d) Arranging eligible projects in order of priority for funding from highest to lowest, and recommending the ordered list to the Board.

20. Appointment to the Priorities Committee will be for terms of two (2) years.

a) To ensure continuity and consistency in application of procedures, no more than three (3) members of the Priorities Committee should be replaced in any one (1) year.

b) A member can serve only 3 consecutive terms of two years each.

Term of Appointment

21. The Priorities Committee will meet on a minimum of two (2) occasions each year.

a) The first meeting of the Priorities Committee will take place no later than one (1) month after the advertised closing date for receipt of preliminary applications for funding assistance.

b) Further meetings of the Priorities Committee will be programmed by the Committee as long as one (1) meeting takes place no later than twenty-one (21) days before 30 September at which meeting final recommendations to the Board are to be decided.

Frequency of Meetings

22. A quorum for meetings of the Priorities Committee will be six (6) members. All sectors must be represented by the quorum.

Meeting Quorum