Recognition Requirements

Schools which receive funding through the Capital Grants Programme (CGP) are required to:

  • acknowledge Commonwealth funding in all announcements and other publicity of all school capital projects to which the Commonwealth is contributing funds

  • install building plaques on all completed projects, irrespective of cost, which acknowledge Commonwealth funding

  • arrange for the recognition of funding within seven months of the physical completion of the project, unless otherwise agreed by the Commonwealth:

  • where the Commonwealth contribution is equal to or exceeds $100,000 irrespective of the year in which the funding was approved, or

  • where the school or the Commonwealth requests an opening.

CGP Grant under $100,000 Ceremony Procedures

Where the CGP grant to a project is under $100,000 a school can choose to recognise the Commonwealth's assistance by installing a building plaque only.

  • A school should advise the department via the school openings inbox that a project is complete and that an official opening ceremony will not be held as the grant amount is under $100,000.

  • The department will provide a plaque template to the school.

  • The school is to formulate the plaque wording based on the template and provide it back to the department for approval.

  • The department will advise the school when approval has been given.

  • The school then arranges for the plaque to be manufactured and installed on the building. Alternatively, if a school wishes to hold an opening, notwithstanding the grant amount, the opening requirements for grants over or equal to $100,000 applies, please see the procedure below.

CGP Grant over or equal to $100,000

Opening Ceremony Required Procedures

Where the CGP grant to the project is equal to or in excess of $100,000 schools are required to hold an official opening ceremony. Dates of openings must be convenient to all parties including the Commonwealth. To ensure opening dates are suitable to the Commonwealth Minister for Education and Training, or his representative, it is requested that:

  • invitations are sent to the Minister by recipient schools via the school openings inbox at at least two months in advance of the opening.

  • Three possible dates should be included in the invitation that do not coincide with Parliamentary of Australian sitting days, refer to the Parliamentary Sitting Calendar: