a) Capital Grants are for educational purposes only and not religious.
b) The principal use of the buildings must be for school purposes.
47. It is apparent that in some situations, buildings owned by schools will be used by other bodies e.g. community or church groups. Also, situations may occur where another party owns land used by a school. The guidelines below are designed to clarify the issues.
a) The ownership of each parcel of land and/or buildings, for which a Grant is sought, must be clear and authenticated.
b) The applicant must be formally incorporated under the relevant legislation
Where the land will be built on by another party, a legal lease agreement must be drawn up between the lessor as one party and the school as lessee. This must be for a minimum of twenty (20) years determined from the date of com
a) Grants can only be given for buildings in the exclusive possession or control of the school and used for educational purposes as part of the school's normal Program.
b) Where the school wishes to let the buildings (for which a grant has been made) to a third party, the letting arrangements must be formalised in writing.
c) All lease and rental agreements must be correctly drawn-up as legally binding documents.